Thursday, April 21, 2011

The College Life

I am a college student and an RA for that matter. So I have see students at their worst (when they think they are at their best) but some of these texts I don’t know how these kids are going to graduate from college. However, they are still hilarious and all you older people who have already graduated probably miss these days when

1.       “You know you’re in college when you use your receipt from the liquor store as your bookmark.”  

2.       “Thanks for stopping me from doing a one man keg stand by myself clad in only a towel. That would have ended badly.”

3.       “Let’s start the night off early. Those coronas aren’t going to throw themselves up.”

4.       “I miss the days when all my weekends consisted of 69 and crunchwraps.”

5.       “This is one of the fundamental differences between you and I. If I found meat in a plastic bag, I wouldn’t put it in my mouth.”

6.       “she keeps giving me cups of everbeer…its everclear and beer..I guess it’s blackout or backout time.”

7.       “I’m 80% sure the guy across from me is taking pictures of my legs.”

8.       “If’ you can’t do the LSAT hung over. You can’t do the LSAT. That’s the real practice.”

9.       “I am breaking up with you because you wash your hair too much and you only drink light beer and because you’re not party enough.”

10.   “Chipotle Chips and wine for breakfast. It’s definitely game time.”

11.   “so they call this ‘a walk of shame’ but f that..this walk is fantastic. What kind of debbie downer came up with that name?”

12.   “defrosting a beer in the microwave…no sparks so far.”

13.   “he had a sign stolen from the tennis court hanging above his bed that said, “please limit play to one hour while others are waiting.”

14.   “He called the drink ‘Annexation of Puerto Rico’. He wouldn’t tell us what’s in it but said we should all fear for our lives. Let’s do this.”

1 comment:

  1. I think these are really funny, I can think of someone that relates to each of those text. I don't know if that's good or bad, but it shows that i am in college.
