Thursday, April 21, 2011

People to be afriad of...

 The texts from people just keep getting better and better. When I read some of them I really get scared if these are the people that our world depends on to exist.  These young kids sening these texts messages to eachother are our future....Brace yourself people:
1. “ I need to get skinner so I know when pregnancy scares are real.”
2. “Got extra credit for showing up to class before a holiday. It hit me 5minutes later she meant Easter.”
3. “Could you please tell me why you thought vodka soaked band aids were a good idea?”
4. “It is scary how often ‘just flash him’ is your advice.”
5. “you made cement angels. It was a great sight.”
6. “Umm..anywhere really. Alcohol and boobs. Those are the requirements.”
7. “I don’t think the people up for their 8am class were as impressed with how many beads I got last night as we were.”
8. “I’m drinking coffee out of a coffee pot and I’m not even mad about it.”
9. “someone needs to get her out of the garbage can shes never gona forgive us for this.”
10. “Head up we filled your kiddie pool with kool-aid and vodka. Things are about to get Out. Of. Hand. Quickly.”
11. “I kind of want you to get arrested just so I can frame an avatar mugshot.”
12. “Having drunk flashbacks of me giving you a piggy back ride. I was like Jesus and you were my cross. I fell so many times for you. This is true friendship.”
13. “I’m going to start telling people I am a sophomore so they will stop asking me bout college and what I want to do with my life.”
14.” Mmm my 21st birthday F****** sucks all my best friends are pregnant….selfish assholes. They just couldn’t wait until after my birthday.”

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